The 2010 Harford Zombie Walk is fast approaching. But don't worry, our zombies like to take slow crawls-so you'll have plenty of time to join us and learn all you need to know on the subject of "Zombie Walks".

HURRY! RSVP for our ZOMBIE FEAST at FREDDIES in Bel Air on October 10th! Please EMAIL your RSVP NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 1st!!!


Please take time to read the following tips from "cleozombie" from Seattle.  Their handbook for ZOMBIE WALKS is the best.  Follow these tips and you will be sure to have a MEMORABLE and fun experience!

The Official Seattle Zombie Walk Handbook
The Official Seattle Zombie Walk Handbook

Zombie list of Contents:

1) What is a Zombie Walk?

2) Do’s and Dont’s and Safety

3) Acting Zombie: School for the Recently Undead

What is a Zombie Walk?

According to Wikipedia: A zombie walk (aka zombie mob, zombie march, zombie horde, zombie lurch, zombie shamble, zombie shuffle or zombie pub crawl) is an organized public gathering of people who dress up in zombie costumes. Usually taking place in an urban centre, the participants make their way around the city streets and through shopping malls in a somewhat orderly fashion and often limping their way towards a local cemetery or other public space (a series of taverns in the case of a zombie pub crawl).

Zombie walks are a lot of fun (to put it simply). We gather in a large horde and shuffle around together acting like zombies trying to disrupt the everyday lives of the living. Once everyone is in character it’s typical to see zombies trying to grab other fake body parts and fight over them while grunting and moaning loudly. They also stare and lurch slowly towards “spectators” then, when they least suspect it, jump or screech real close. We like to watch what happens when 10+ zombies cram in an elevator then lurch out and pretend to attack when the doors open. The possibilities are endless but once the whole horde gets going there is no other feeling like it.

Do’s and Dont’s: The safety talk

1. Do obey traffic laws. It’s un-zombie like but important for everyone’s safety and the law. This means walking when the light says so and stopping accordingly. Although it might be exciting to run out into the street and scare drivers to a screeching halt, don’t do it. (We don’t want to be responsible for car accidents!)

2. Don’t block traffic! Obstruction of traffic (especially Downtown) is the main reason the Police might interfere and make us disperse. We will be traveling in a very large group that will likely spill over the sidewalk. When that starts to happen, grab a few of your brethren and go to the other side of the street. Or… let the mob pass, feast on a victim, and then join the end of the mob!

3. Do not impede sales at any business on route. This means not bottle-necking entrances to retail shops. By all means stare hungrily at people inside of shops and restaurants, but please don’t leave bloody handprints on their windows!

4. Do find Zombie friendly businesses. If you know anyone along any of the Zombie walk routes, make some pre-arrangements so that we can give them extra attention.

5. Do not harass anyone who isn’t getting a kick out of the experience! Use common sense, if they are trying to avoid zombies or showing a unpleasant face don’t bother with them.

S a f e t y !

As a hungry Zombie, you are going to have to feed. You need living flesh, so other Zombies are not an option. You have two choices:

1. Hunt down by-standers and take your chances that someone, walking along, minding their business, is willing to let themselves be mauled. Try this procedure: Pick a target, ham up your approach, stand five feet in front of them licking your lips and wait until they show signs of wanting to play along. Do not just attack people! You might end up with a knuckle sandwich!

*Just be comfortable. Due to the irregular and jerky movements of the Zombie’s walk, you will find yourself very clumsy. Moving slowly and wearing stable shoes (like sneakers) should keep you limping along just fine! It also may get cold and wet outside. Be warm.

Long story short….. follow all regular laws of the City and please maintain common sense. If you see anyone breaking the law and/or violating these very simple guidelines please address the issue immediately or ask for help. We want our walks to be fun for everyone including the tasty victims of Seattle!

Acting Zombie: School for the recently undead

1. Mastery of the blank gaze.
Relax all the muscles of your face and de-focus your eyes. Anyone who comes into eye contact with you should see no recognition or expression in your face. Make sure that your eyes "track" as little as possible. For a test, make your “Zombie Face” and have a friend surprise you with a loud noise. You pass if your eyes don’t dart to the noise and your body doesn’t flinch. Practice in the mirror making the “Zombie Face” and then try to do it with your friends without cracking up!

2. The Zombie Drive
A Zombie is essentially dead. In this state, you do not get itchy, adjust clothing, or speak coherently.

The driving force of a Zombie’s essence is hunger. The only active parts of Zombie mental faculties involve the need to feed. Zombies do everything they do to procure food, specifically human flesh. They are drawn toward the living to eat them. I hear brains are a particularly tasty delicacy.

3. Zombies in Public
While in public, avoid taking pictures while dressed as a Zombie. This would be a breech of character! Hand your camera off to a plain-clothed friend or “victim” to capture your most gory moments! Zombies don’t have/use cell phones. Zombies don’t talk or scream or shriek or howl – they moan or grunt.

During the event participants are encouraged to remain in character as zombies and to communicate only in a manner consistent with zombie behavior. This may include grunting, groaning and slurred, moaning calls for 'brains'. It should be noted that zombie behavior is a hot topic of debate.